Saturday, July 18, 2009

OMG, the US Postal Service and Mother in Laws!

In my e-mail I got this rejection notice about some postage stamps I'd designed -- it was refused as a design on zazzle. Mind you, they don't care about the quality of the artwork, so it wasn't because my cartoons are judged inferior. (and note, since then it has been OK'd -- seems the offending part was because I'd had her saying "Oh God"...too religious, evidently.

At the reception... postage stamps
At the reception... postage stamps No, here's the reason:

o Design incorporates material the primary purpose of which is to advocate or protest any particular religious, social, political, legal or moral agenda of any person or entity.

Another design was also refused and never did make it as a stamp..this my favorite so far, I'll be wearing a t-shirt with this on it soon:

Ever since she was a little girl post card
Ever since she was a little girl post card

I'm not quite sure how to take all this -- am I protesting or advocating myself as a Mother in Law? Or did the person doing the review just look at the name "Mother in Law" and see an insult? Or do they just have no sense of humor, or is mine so dry nobody gets it?


  1. LOL I get rejected also. Most craziest rejection was where I had scanned from my copy of an 1895 Harper's magazine an image of a cute little cherub and they couldn't use it because it promoted child porn. Whatever! I just cross my fingers every time now and hope to not be rejected.

  2. Ha, that brings tears to my eyes!
